Supporter spotlight: Hazeldean Merinos

Hazeldean rams provide woolgrowers with advantages over other ram sources as they produce sheep with higher fleece value. This is due to their ability to deliver low fibre diameter to their progeny without the usual sacrifice in fleeceweight.

Only three studs in Australia are recognized as being able to consistently and successfully break the nexus between high fleeceweights and high fibre diameter. Hazeldean is one of them and has demonstrated this conclusively through independent analysis many times.

Hazeldean rams go through a stringent assessment procedure before being presented for sale.

  • Ram lambs are identified at lamb marking and genomically tested.

  • Lambs are body weighed and assessed at weaning.

  • At 10 months they are visually classed, body weighed and scanned prior to fibre testing and fleece weighing.

  • Following shearing they are re-assessed with the return of processed performance data including pedigree information.

  • Sale grade rams are chosen on the basis of performance ranking. Culls are removed and sold.

  • The very best rams with sire potential are identified as Reserves and put aside for further analysis.

As part of our planning we constantly look at ways to streamline what we do without compromising the quality of our products and service. This is necessary to ensure the smooth running of our properties and our business as well as looking after our clients needs and avoid the bottle necks that occur especially during busy times of the year such as Spring.

In this vein we have made the decision to consolidate our ram selling venues to one location rather than the current two. As such, all rams are now being sold at Hazeldean, Cooma.

Open day: Sunday 15th October

Ram sale: Friday 20th October

PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale

Hazeldean Merinos have kindly donated a ram voucher, to the value of $2,500.

The PWS Stud Semen & Ram Sale will be held Tuesday 29th August 9am – Thursday 31st August 7.30pm.⁠ ⁠ Made possible by our event sponsor AuctionsPlus

Keen to find out more on Hazeldean Merinos?

For more information on Hazeldean Merinos head to their website or Facebook via the links below:


Supporter spotlight: Kiandra Poll Merino


Supporter spotlight: Pooginook Merino and Poll Stud